Yearly Predictions
Our lives pass through nine-year cycles, with each year representing one of the nine Energies of the 9 Star Ki system.
Not only does each person have a 9 Star Ki profile, which is determined by their date of birth, but in addition, each of our lives passes through nine-year cycles. Each year represents one of the nine Energies of the 9 Star Ki system and influences our lives in powerful ways.
These nine-year cycles are seasonal in nature, with a spring, summer, autumn and winter period
Another way to imagine it is that our lives go through seasonal changes, just like the spring, summer, autumn, winter; however, it is a nine-year cycle, rather than a yearly one. During the "summer" part of the cycle, we are closest to the sun and feel warmer, more energised and extroverted. Conversely, during the "winter" part of the cycle we are more likely to feel withdrawn, cool and introspective.
There is a time to sow and a time to harvest. Understanding where we are in the cosmic cycles and moving with the energy, not against it, can be tremendously powerful
People who are in touch with Nature and her cycles understand the seasonal changes that occur throughout the year. They know that there is a time to sow and a time to harvest. There is a time for new growth, a time for celebration, a time for winding down and a time for deep rest. Understanding the energy of the year that we are in can help us to harmonise with the natural flow of energies, instead of trying to swim against the current. When we do this, life starts to become much smoother and we achieve the best possible results with the least amount of effort. It can also minimise disappointment and frustration.
This information can also be used to help us plan the timing of projects, moving house or changing jobs. Proper timing of our planned ventures can make an enormous difference to their outcome.
Each of us is born in a 5 Core Earth year, which is at the centre of the 9 Star Ki sytem.
Monthly Predictions
Our lives also move through monthly cycles. The Energy associated with the month affects us on a more immediate and emotional level.
In addition to the yearly cycles that each our lives move through, there are also smaller, monthly cycles. The energy of the yearly cycle is always felt and is the overarching influence on the direction of our lives. However, the effect of the monthly cycle is more immediate and felt on an emotional level. For example, we could be in a 1 Water year, which can be a time when we feel withdrawn, contemplative and still, but the month Energy could be 3 Tree. The presence of Thunder / spring Energy in our chart during that month would likely be felt as a welcomed break from the heavier, more stagnant feeling of winter. It could be a great time to go on holiday or to get stuff done, which had been lingering.
Note that for those who identify as male, the months work backwards from 9 to 1. For those who identify as female, it is the inverse. This reversal of the cycle does not apply to the yearly cycles. This can often seem confusing on the surface, however it has to do with the subtle interplay of Yin and Yang energies and their influence over our lives. It is not necessary to fully understand the exact way in which these energies interact with our reality.
This year represents night and winter. It's cold, dark and still. The seed is still in the ground.
This is a time for hibernation, deep rest and reflection. A time for pondering what one wishes to create during the next 9 year cycle.
During this year, it is common to feel withdrawn and uncommunicative. Others may appear to keep their distance and we may feel vulnerable, hypersensitive and even fearful at times. It's a bit like when we are asleep and we need to make sure we are in a safe place and protected.
It is also not uncommon for our health to be more vulnerable during a Water year. We need to make sure we take plenty of rest and that we tend to the needs of our body.
It can also feel as though all of our dreams are out of reach and that we are stagnating in life. However, it is also the time when our intuition is at its strongest. This can help us to tune in and see the bigger picture, which can guide us in charting our plans for the next cycle of growth.
This is not the most auspicious time for starting new projects and endeavors, as misunderstandings and obstacles may arise. Instead, it is a time for dreaming, slowing down, resting, and recharging one's energy. Ideas and inspiration come when we are still.
This is also an excellent time for developing our spiritual nature. Meditation, yoga and other similar practises are immensely helpful during this time.
Fire and Earth Energies are most likely to feel discomfort when they occupy this House, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Water element.
The Water element in Chinese medicine is associated with the health of the urinary and reproductive systems, such as the bladder, kidneys, adrenals glands, etc. During this year, these organs recharge themselves. This is another reason why it is especially important to get adequate rest during this time. It is advised to avoid cold and damp environments and foods. It is more nourishing to eat warming, salty and lightly spiced foods.
The seed is starting to germinate and make its way up through the soil.
This year represents the transition from winter to spring. There may be a sense of light at the end of the tunnel.
Socially and financially this is a time of slow or little growth. Rather, this is the perfect time to start planning and figuring out the details of what we have been dreaming about in the previous year; to get everything in order ready for the arrival of spring and a cycle of new growth. It's also a great time for clearing out the old, in preparation for the new. Inadequate planning and preparation during this phase can slow us down in the next year.
It is common to feel cautious, reserved and hesitant during this year and even lonely and isolated at times. We need to make an extra effort to reach out and connect with friends and family.
We may be especially prone to worry during this year, especially about others. We may also be more anxious and cynical during this time. If these emotions do arise, it's good to simply remind ourselves that it's quite normal during this period and that we don't need to give them too much attention.
It is also natural to feel a certain degree of stagnation in our energy during this time. It is not an auspicious time for taking action. It is much better to be patient and to conserve one's energy. It's also a good idea to share our visions and ideas with others and to be receptive to others' feedback.
Water and Tree people are most likely to feel discomfort when they occupy this House, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Earth element.
In Chinese medicine, the Earth element governs the stomach, the pancreas and the spleen, and the health of the lymphatic system. Therefore it is import for us to move to keep our circulation healthy, otherwise the lymphatic system can become stagnant. Dry brushing, rebounding and hot and cold showers are some examples of simple things we can do to keep our lymphatic system healthy during this time. However, most of all, it's good to move.
The seedling has sprouted, breaking through the top layer of soil with a tremendous burst of energy.
This year represents early spring or dawn and therefore new growth, development as well as new opportunities. There is a sense of rising energy.
It is the time to put our plans into action and begin working on our projects and endeavours. We are full of enthusiasm and have plenty of bright new ideas. It is also a great time to travel.
Having the full force of spring behind us can bring tremendous good luck. However, it is wise to be sensitive to the fact that others who occupy different Houses may not share our energy, enthusiasm and good fortune. We don't want to rub our success in their faces. However, our optimism can equally rub off on others and inspire them.
We are feeling creative, energetic, confident and expressive. However, with such a huge influx of spring energy comes a risk of feeling ungrounded and even frustrated and angry at times.
We often make very fast progress during this year. However, it is wise not to be impulsive or to rush anything and care should be taken not to overlook any important details. We need to stay focussed. We also need to make sure we take time to rest as well as to reflect on where we are headed and if we are still feel that we are on the right track.
As this is such an energetic and active Houses (Yang), it is important to balance it with more Yin activities. Yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, massage, Nature walks are all great ways to slow down and relax.
Metal and Earth people are most likely to feel discomfort when they occupy this House, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Tree element.
With so much energy and movement comes an increased risk of accidents. It is wise to take care to avoid these wherever possible. In Chinese medicine, the Tree element governs the liver and gallbladder. To support these organs, we should avoid eating late at night as well as overeating. Any imbalance in these organs is often associated with increased feelings of anger or frustration. Again, it is good to frequently take time out to slow down and catch one's breath.
The seedling is growing rapidly with many leaves and shoots appearing.
This year represents mid morning or mid to late spring. It is a time of sustained growth, following on from the rapid burst of the previous year.
However, this is also potentially a changeable and unpredictable time. It can be tempting to change direction or move away from what we have been working on so far. It is important to stick to the plans. A farmer wouldn't pull up his or her crops mid-spring and plant new ones. Any change in direction during this time could result in "crops" failing, so to speak.
During this year, we feel more optimistic, joyful and energetic. Life is often smooth and we feel "in the flow", as long as we did adequate and careful planning in the previous stages. Conversely, if we are unprepared, our past can catch up with us.
We may feel especially communicative during this year and our relationships are often flourishing. Spring’s continued rising energy makes us appear bright, expressive, and happy. This optimism can attract plenty of opportunities our way.
We may appear scatty and tend to forget details at times during this period. It is important to pace ourselves so as not to burn out. Equally, care should be taken not to get carried away and to become overly impulsive.
Metal and Earth people are most likely to feel discomfort when they occupy this House, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Tree element.
With so much energy and movement comes an increased risk of accidents. It is wise to take care to avoid these wherever possible. It is advisable to engage in fairly rigorous exercise to ground ourselves and help to calm our nervous system. Equally, it's highly beneficial to frequently take time out to slow down and catch one's breath. In Chinese medicine, the Tree element governs the liver and gallbladder. To support these organs, we should avoid eating late at night as well as overeating. Any imbalance in these organs is often associated with increased feelings of anger or frustration.
The seedling is beginning to mature.
Everyone is born in a 5 year and returns to it at the age of nine, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, etc. This is the centre of the 9 Star Ki cycle and represents the beginning and end of a cycle. Anything started during a 5 year will have a great impact on the following 8 years and so should be considered carefully.
As the stars are positioned exactly as they were during the year of our birth, we can experience a kind of "rebirth" during this time. Equally, there can often be an energy of "adolescence"; of experimenting with many different activities or ideas and defining who we are. It is a challenging and unpredictable time, often characterised by difficult choices, ups and downs and much uncertainty.
It is not uncommon for many old, unresolved issues to resurface during a 5 Earth year. This can be a golden opportunity to get clarity and closure so that we can heal and move on.
This is also a House of extremes. Therefore, if we have planned well and made wise decisions in the previous years, then things could start to come to fruition. Conversely, we can really start to suffer the consequences of our past poor judgment.
During this year we are right at the centre of the system, which means all the other numbers are focussed in our direction. People will naturally gravitate towards us for support or advice. This can feel overwhelming at times and we must be careful it doesn't deplete us.
It is not uncommon for relationships, friendships or contracts to come to an end during this time, freeing up space and energy for new ventures.
During this time, it can sometimes feel as though we are being pulled in many different directions. It may be difficult, at times, to decide what to do. It is wise to try to stay centred, calm and true to who we are and to avoid making snap decisions. We need to give ourselves plenty of time to consider things before making commitments, especially when our support is being solicited a great deal many from different people. It's perfectly OK to say "Let me have a think about it, and I'll get back to you." We can also protect ourselves by cultivating a healthy detachment from the chaos around us, whilst remaining compassionate to the feelings and needs of our loved ones, of course.
This is an excellent year to take a step back and reflect. It is not an auspicious time to make long journeys or move home.
Water and Tree people are most likely to feel discomfort when they occupy this House, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Earth element.
The most important factor during a 5 Earth year is our emotional wellbeing, which we would do well to pay particular attention to. It is also wise to avoid extremes of any kind. Moderation is key.
As mentioned above, old issues can resurface during this year, including unresolved health issues, which may appear to be exacerbated. However, rather than seeing this as a step back, it's much better to see this as an opportunity to gain more clarity and a deeper, long-lasting resolution.
The fruits are beginning to ripen
This year represents early autumn or evening. It is where we begin to see the fruits of our labour; the reward of all the effort put in during the previous years.
This year is associated with the full force of Yang and we often feel confident with a strong sense of direction and purpose.
We may well find that our skills and talents are more noticed by others and that we are rewarded for our efforts, perhaps with a promotion, a pay-rise or perhaps our own business starts to flourish.
This is also a year when we begin to get much greater clarity and understanding. We feel bolder and better able to express our needs and set healthy boundaries with people. We often feel more focussed and disciplined and our greater sense of confidence can mean that we feel a certain authority; that we are right in our judgments and opinions. Care must be taken not become overbearing, self-righteous or intolerant of others, however.
It is good to keep our goals clearly in focus, but to be mindful of others and to make sure we don't step on anyone's toes.
Tree and Fire people may feel some discomfort when they occupy this House, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Metal element.
Our health is usually good durinng this time and we have lots of stamina; however, we need to make sure we don't overdo it. In Chinese medicine, the Metal element controls the lungs and large intestine. If either of these organs gets weak, it can lead to feelings of depression, isolation and melancholy.
The harvest is in. It's time to celebrate and put one's feet up
This year represents late autumn or evening. It is the time to enjoy the harvest and to celebrate our achievements; a time to relax and be grateful for the abundance we have created for ourselves. It is also a time to reflect on the previous cycle.
This is perhaps the smoothest and most enjoyable House to occupy. It is a great time to become more sociable and broaden our horizons. We often feel more attracted to others in this House and may well find romance; however, encounters may be superficial and short-lived. Care should be taken not to becoming overly focussed on intimate relationships.
There can be a risk of becoming overly hedonistic and overindulging during this year, and later paying the price for doing so. To balance this, it can be a great time to also develop our spiritual side.
Conversely, this House can also be an excellent time to release ourselves from the responsibility of the previous years of the cycle and to put our feet up. It is an excellent time for reflection and introspection.
Many people find that money flows more easily to them during this time, perhaps because business ventures have come to fruition or sometimes money comes from unexpected sources, such as an inheritance or from the lottery.
There is a risk that misunderstandings may occur. We need to be mindful of being clear in our communication with others.
Water and Tree people may feel less at ease in this House than the other elements, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Earth element.
Our health is typically quite solid during this year and we enjoy more energy and stamina. In Chinese medicine, the Metal element controls the lungs and large intestine. If either of these organs gets weak, it can lead to feelings of depression, isolation and melancholy.
The harvest is over. Winter is nigh.
This year represents the transition from evening to night or autumn to winter. It is a time when Nature returns to stillness. We go indoors to shelter from the outside.
This is a time we tend to retreat into our "cave". We often feel withdrawn, reserved and uncommunicative. It is a time for deep, honest introspection. However, we need to be mindful that we don't become too withdrawn, as this could be upsetting to those who are close to us and isn't healthy for us either. We need to make an effort to come out of our shell from time to time and reconnect with our loved ones.
This can also be an uncomfortable time in which we feel stagnant, bogged down or blocked. It is helpful for us to simply take our time and move slowly and steadily and not to pressure ourselves in any way.
We may also feel rather more rigid and stubborn; even pushy about certain things. We may be more easily misunderstood and so we need to make an effort to express ourselves more clearly. And, communication goes both ways, so we need to remember to listen carefully also. Failure to do this may lead to more conflict.
We are typically more vulnerable in this House and need to be careful that we don't get into accidents, especially ones caused by others.
During this year, there may be a strong sense of the "calm before the storm", as during the following year we emerge into the spotlight of Fire Energy, which often leads to a change of direction. This can make us feel uneasy at times. However, sometimes there are radical changes within this year too, brought on either by our own internal relfection or by external forces. This can be a good thing, provided that these changes are in alignment with our dreams.
We need to be loving, kind and patient with ourselves during this year.
Water and Tree people are most likely to feel discomfort when they occupy this house, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Earth element.
As there is often a strong sense of stagnation during this time, it is important to make an effor to stay active. We need to be especially mindful of our circulation and lymphatic system.
This is the year we take the spotlight
This year represents the full force of summer or the midday sun. It brings illumination, heat and clarity.
This year is our time to shine. We will be noticed, for good or bad reasons. We may find ourselves making significant achievements and we will likely feel very energetic, enthusiastic and optimistic with a great sense of adventure.
This is also a year when things we would rather keep a secret may well end up being revealed to the world.
During a Fire year, people typically feel a great sense of clarity and may experience heightened intuition. We also typically feel much more sociable and communicative. We may well make many new friends. However, it is also common to lose some friends also.
This is a very auspicious time to promote ourselves and advance in our careers or in some other area that we are interested in.
A fire needs a solid hearth and plenty of fuel to burn. If we have made solid plans during the previous years of the cycle that have now come to fruition, then this House will be a bright, enjoyable period with plenty of opportunity.
Metal and Water people may well feel some discomfort when they occupy this house, as their Energies are in a Challenging Transformation with the Fire element.
Care needs to be taken not to burn out during this year. Even though we can have a lot of energy in this House, we can easily use it all up if we are not careful. In Chinese medicine, the Fire element controls the heart and small intestine. We need to make sure we eat a healthy balanced diet that is not to oily or spicy and avoid stressful situations. Relaxation, joy and feeling love and connection with others are some of the most powerful ways to nourish the heart energy.
This month represents night and winter. We can often feel introverted and withdrawn
During a Water month, we often feel quite quiet, cautious, introverted and even vulnerable at times.
We may also find it more challenging to communicate with others during this month. This may lead to feelings of isolation and being left out.
This is a time when we are more likely to find ourselves in states of deep reflection and introspection. It is an auspicious time to focus on spiritual practices, such as meditation, yoga, Tai Chi and to enjoy Nature walks. It's also a great time to get plenty of rest and recharge one's batteries.
This month represents late winter and is a time of planning and slow movement
During a Soil month, we often still feel the stillness and stagnation of winter, however there is a sense of light at the end of the tunnel and an urge to start planning and moving.
Socialising can be somewhat challenging during a Soil month as our energy is typically still fairly reserved and introverted. This is a great time for slowing down, making plans and sorting out all the loose ends.
This month represents early spring or the dawn.
During a Tree month, we usually feel a surge of energy and vitality. We typically feel creative, enthusiastic and spontaneous with a deep sense of optimism and fun.
This is a great time to start projects and for putting plans into action. This is also an excellent time for socializing and enjoyment.
This month represents mid morning or mid to late spring
During a Wind month, we feel the energy of spring, which bring us joy, enthusiasm and optimism.
It's important for us not to overdo it during a Wind month, both in terms of getting carried away with things we're involved in as well as being careful not to exhaust ourselves. It's important to rest and to remain grounded.
This month is associated with the energy of adolescence and also rebirth
Core Earth months are associated with the energy of adolescence, often making us feel like we are experiencing adolescence again. It is an unpredictable time and there may well be ups and downs and feelings of uncertainty.
There may well be many different opportunities to explore and it may be difficult to decide what to do or where to go. It is important for us to try to stay grounded and centred. The support of others can be immensely helpful during a 5 month.
This month is associated with early autumn or evening
During a Heaven month, we often begin to feel more confident and clear, with a strong sense of purpose. Our will is typically stronger during this time and we have a natural sense of being right. We need to be careful not to become overbearing or inflexible.
It is also advisable to pay extra attention to the way we communicate verbally during this time, as we may hurt people if we are too bold or direct in our expression.
This month represents late evening or autumn
7 Metal is associated with the harvest and this is a month for us to relax and unwind, as well as to socialise and have fun.
We often feel more carefree and adventurous during a 7 month, with a sense of quiet, inner confidence.
This can also be a great time for self-reflection and solitude.
This month represents early winter or nightfall
During a Mountain month, we often have a sense of uncertainty and may feel the need to retreat into our cave. We are more withdrawn and uncommunicative than usual.
This can be a time of change and it is important not to be too impulsive.
It can be very helpful for us to make an extra effort to connect with others during this time, so as not to become overly isolated. We should seek the support of friends and loved ones if need be.
This month represents midday or high summer
During quieter years, such as 1, 2 and 8, a Fire month can be a much welcomed change, bringing much more vibrant energy and light.
During this month, we often feel more sociable, enthusiastic and adventurous. Communication comes much more naturally to us and it is a good time to speak up about things we may have not found the words to express in previous months.