9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions

Learn 9 Star Ki Astrology

Welcome to the best online resource to learn about 9 Star Ki Astrology. Use our free calculator to discover your personal chart, relationship compatibility, yearly and monthly predictions, biorhythms and more. Use our I Ching Hexagram generator. 9 Star Ki is an ancient system of astrology, largely unknown in the west, but slowly regaining popularity. It is simpler yet deeper and more intuitive than the zodiac and can offer some quite astonishing insights into our nature and the many cycles that influence our lives.

Welcome to the best online resource to learn about 9 Star Ki Astrology. Use our free calculator to discover your personal chart, relationship compatibility, yearly and monthly predictions, biorhythms and more. Use our I Ching Hexagram generator. 9 Star Ki is an ancient system of astrology, largely unknown in the west, but slowly regaining popularity. It is simpler yet deeper and more intuitive than the zodiac and can offer some quite astonishing insights into our nature and the many cycles that influence our lives. 9 Star Ki Astrology Free Calculator Personal Chart Relationship Compatibility Yearly and Monthly Predictions Biorhythms Free I Ching Hexagram Generator Nine Energies Feng Shui Love Dating Nine Star Ki Bio-Rhythms


Originating from China, this 4000-year-old system of astrology is possibly the oldest in the world

9 Star Ki (pronounced 'key', which is the Japanese word for subtle energy or life-force) is possibly the oldest system of astrology in the world today. Originating in China, it is closely related to the 4000-year-old Book of Changes - the 'I Ching' - whose principles are the foundations of Feng Shui, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Cycles of Light and Dark

9 Star Ki astrology is based on cycles of light and dark and the various stages the cycles move through. It is the contrast between light and dark which gives rise to the 'experience' of being alive

These cosmic cycles, eternally spiralling throughout time and space, underpin all of our experienced reality in the cosmos. Indeed, it is these cycles that give rise to the very experience of being "alive".

In order for us to be able to experience anything at all, it is necessary to have contrast. Contrast is created from duality, which is created from the coexistence of opposing forces or "energies". For example, the experience of heat is not possible without that of cold. Neither is light possible without darkness, nor love without fear.

However, it is much more than just duality. The transformations, which keep the energy in a constant state of evolution and flux, ensure the continuity and perpetuity of the entire cosmos. Without the cycles and the transformations, life as we know it would come to a standstill. It would stagnate. For example, without the death and decay; the breakdown of matter that occurs in the autumn, as well as the period of deep rest and stillness that we go through in the winter, there would be no fertile ground to fuel and support the rapid growth and blossoming that occurs in the spring.

There are many different cycles in the cosmos, each one designed for a specific purpose, shaping our reality in ways we are yet to fully understand. These cycles vary enormously in duration, purpose and complexity. Some of the cycles are extremely long, whilst some are very short. Altogether, they form an enormous and complex clock-like mechanism that shapes our reality in profound and subtle ways.

9 Star Ki is primary concerned with 9-year and 9-month cycles

9 Star Ki is primarily concerned with nine year cycles and a smaller nine month cycle within the year (with the first three months repeating in the last three months of the year).

Each of the nine stages of the yearly and monthly cycles affect us in distinct and predictable ways, both physiologically and psychologically, giving rise to nine distinct, principle personality archetypes or "Energies", represented by the numbers 1 to 9. For example, number 1 is associated with the winter or nighttime, whereas number 9 is associated with summer or the midday sun. Each principle 'Energy' also has a nine sub types for each of the nine monthly cycles. This gives rise to 81 unique personalities.

9 Star Ki determine many aspects of our personality and also reveals our potential, by describing our inherent strengths as well as our vulnerabilities, which are always inextricably linked to our strengths. It also sheds an incredible amount of light on our interactions with others and the interplay of elements that underpin our relationships.

Yin and Yang

Many ancient civilisations had an in-depth understanding of the cosmic male and female energies

Many ancient civilisations had a more in-depth understanding of the cosmic male and female energies that underpin our reality. There are many different terms used to describe these cosmic energies, such as Shakti / Shiva in Sanskrit or Yin and Yang, as described in the 'Great Principle' in the Chinese tradition. However, they are all essentially understood to be on the one hand feminine, dark, passive energy and on the other masculine light, active energy.

Yang energy moving from the stars changes in quality over a 9 year period, influencing many aspects of life on Earth

In 9 Star Ki, it is believed that the Yang energy of the universe is channelled to Earth via nine stars: Vega, Polaris and the seven stars of the Big Dipper (part of the Great Bear). The energy emanating from these stars has a different quality at different times, moving cyclically like the seasons. The different qualities of the Yang energy affects many aspects of our reality on Earth, such as the climate, weather patterns, seasons and subtler effects such as those on human consciousness and our natural life cycles. the and giving rise to the concept of seasons. Ancient peoples also understood that the Yin energies emanating from the earth shaped our physical environment. It is the interaction between the energy of the universe and the energy of the earth that was believed to influence the energetic dynamic of the year in which we were born, thus influencing our character.

Yin energy rises from the Earth in the spring, Yang energy descends from the heavens in the Autumn

Yin energy rises from the Earth in the spring, expanding and reaching its fullest expression in high summer. In the autumn, Yang energy descends from the heavens to the earth, cooling, consolidating and contracting the energy. The energy reaches its densest and most inactive state in mid winter, which represents the pure potential for the next cycle's period of growth that will come in the spring.

Each of the 9 Energies is considered Yin or Yang

Each of the nine Energies is either Yin or Yang. This binary classification is the simplest and most fundamental layer to the 9 Star Ki system. It should be pointed out that using such a simple classifiction does not yield precise or detailed picture about a particular Energy, but it is helpful to understand the concept of Yin and Yang when considering 9 Star Ki.

Below are some of the fundamental attributes associated with Yin and Yang:
Yin Yang
Still Moving
Passive Active
Cool Hot
Hidden potential Outward expression
Self-conscious Confident
Cool Passionate
Introvert Extrovert
Diligent Impulsive
Flexible Stubborn
Cautious Bold
Maternal Paternal
Hesitant Adventurous
Dependent Independent
Nothing in the Universe is entirely Yin or Yang.

In Nature, nothing is entirely Yin or entirely Yang. The Yin Yang symbol expresses this perfectly, with each half containing a piece of the opposite at its core. A tree has a trunk, branches and leaves, which represent the Yin element. Its roots, on the other hand, go deep into the ground, and represent the Yang.

Someone who is more emotionally or spiritually oriented could be said to be more Yin, whereas someone who is more rational, practical and grounded is more Yang.

Winter and the night are more Yin. Summer and thee day are more Yang.

The winter, when it's dark and cold outside, is more Yin. This is a time when we are more passive and introverted. The summer, when there is more light and warmth, is more Yang. This is a time when we are more active and extroverted. A similar distinction can be made between the day and the night.

The 3 Modalities

9 Star Ki has 3 'Modalities', similar to those of the Zodiac

The nine Energies in the 9 Star Ki system, as well as being grouped by Yin or Yang and by the five elements, can also be split into three groups, called the 'Modalities'. This is very similar to the Modalities described in the Zodiac. It is another simple yet useful 'map' that can be used to understand people's fundamental nature.

You may find it interesting to know that the 9 Star Ki Modalities overlap to a large extent with the Modalities of the Zodiac. The same astral bodies are at play!

Dynamic Modality

Energies 3 Thunder, 6 Heaven and 9 Fire are 'Dynamic'. This is similar to the Cardinal Modality of the Zodiac.

Dynamic Energies, as the name suggests, tend ...

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Stable Modality

Energies 2 Soil, 5 CoreEarth and 8 Mountain are 'stable'. As you can see, they are all of the Earth elements. Earth is by nature steady, solid and reliable. This modality is similar to the Fixed Modality of the Zodiac.

Stable Energies like to plan ahead and ...

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Flexible Modality

Energies 1 Water, 4 Wind and 7 Lake are 'flexible'. They are generally easy-going and have a gentle, 'go with the flow' kind of attitude to life. They are generally happy to adapt to those around them. This modality is similar to the Mutable Modality of the Zodiac.

Flexible Energies are good at seeing things ...

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The 5 Elements

Each of the nine Energies are associated with one of the five elements: Water, Tree, Fire, Earth and Metal. Each of the elements is associated with a season, a time of day, as well as a stage in the development from birth to death. A more accurate and helpful description is the 'five transformations', as in essence, each element represents a transformation from one 'state' of energy to the next.

The Earth element is often considered a ...

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Fire Element

The Fire element represents the full expression and expansion of energy within the cycle. It moves upwards and expands outwards. It is associated with high summer and the midday sun and is hot and dry.

The Fire element is connected with our ...

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Earth Element

The Earth element represents the stage that follows the Fire element. One could say that it is made up of the ashes from the fire. In Traditional Chinese medicine the Earth element is associated with later summer or afternoon. However, the Earth element also represents the transition between all of the other stages. As such, it contains the compost from the breaking down of plant matter during the autumn (Metal element), moisture from the Water element (winter) and the roots of trees and plants (Tree element or spring).

Earth people are stable, supportive and nurturing ...

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Metal Element

The Metal element is associated with Autumn and late afternoon or evening. It is a stage when the light is fading and the energy is moving downwards and inwards, condensing and consolidating. Autumn is also the time of the harvest, when we begin to gather the fruits of our labour and go indoors to reflect on the past season or day.

Similarly, Metal Energies are very good at ...

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Water Element

The Water element is associated with winter and the night. It is the darkest stage of the cycle when things move into dormancy and stillness. It is a time of deep rest and regeneration as well as time for reflection and dreaming. The Water element is the result of the breakdown of all of the energy from the previous cycle. It represents pure potential.

Many people dislike the winter season, as ...

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Tree Element

The Tree element is associated with the dawn or spring and embodies the power of growth and new beginnings. Tree people have plenty of vitality and energy and are typically optimistic and forward-looking.

Whilst Metal Energies like to digest and ...

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The 9 Main Energies

The Fundamental Energy description alone is not very granular and only describes one aspect of the chart.

Please note that the 'Fundamental Energy' alone does not give a very granular description of a person. The 'Emotional Energy', as well as the 'Mirror Energy' play a significant role in shaping a person's character traits. However, the Fundamental Energy does give a very useful overview. Also, of the three components of a personal chart, the Fundamental Energy has the most significant influence on a person's nature and is especially useful when trying to determine the kind of dynamic that is likely to exist between two people.

1 Water - The Diplomat

Water people can often appear as quiet, brooding and contemplative, like a deep lake or ocean. On the other hand, just like a bubbling mountain stream, Water people may also be lively and vivacious with a natural exploratory nature. Indeed, many famous explorers were born under this sign.

Water needs a container, just ...

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2 Soil - The Nurturer

Soil Energies are maternal and caring in nature and are happiest when they are serving and supporting others. They are not natural born leaders, but work diligently and tirelessly to get the job done. Number two soil Energies are probably the most reliable of all the Energies.

Soil Energies are generally patient, resilient and ...

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3 Thunder - The Pioneer

Thunder Energies embody the power of spring and have plenty of vitality and energy. They are more about doing than being and like to take action and initiate.

Thunder Energies are generally very positive and ...

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4 Wind - The Influencer

Wind Energies, as the name suggests, can express anything from stillness to a tornado. This Energy is one of the most changeable and indeed emotional of the nine Energies.

Like Thunder Energies, also of the element ...

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5 Core Earth - The Hub

Core Earth Energies are at the centre of the system and this is often reflected in life, as they are often at the centre of everything they do, in the personal life and at work. Indeed, Core Earth Energies may even feel left out if this is not so.

In their private life, Core Earth Energies ...

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6 Heaven - The Leader

Heaven Energies are natural leaders and are comfortable in positions of authority, whether it be in politics and the military, fashion or the arts.

In addition, their strong, consistent naturemeans ...

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7 Lake - The Advisor

The season associated with this Energy is late autumn, when the harvest is in and people are enjoying the fruits of their labours, celebrating and having fun. For this reason, 7 Metal Energies have a propensity for being pleasure seekers and more than any of the other Energies enjoy spending money on fashion, entertainment and socialising.

Lake Energies are often great hostsand ...

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8 Mountain - The Pragmatist

Being the youngest son, Mountain Energies benefit from the combined experiences of the older siblings. In addition, these Energies often accumulate wealth from an early age, through their own hard work or sometimes an inheritance. Success in achieving material wealth, however, is more a product of Mountain Energies' singlemindedness, than it is their creative talent or charm.

This is the more Yang of the ...

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9 Fire - The Communicator

Fire Energies are bestowed with great enlightenment and clarity and can often steer a path through troubled waters. They are often highly inspirational individuals who are often drawn to situations which require their brilliant capacity for bringing about change.

Of all nine Energies, 9 Fires are ...

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The 9 Emotional Energies

Please note that the 'Emotional Energy' alone does not give a very detailed description of a person. It is important to also take into account the 'Fundamental Adult Nature', as well as the 'Mirror Energy'. However, it does give a useful overview of their deeper character. The Emotional Energy also has quite a significant influence on intimate relationships, where the more emotional aspects of ourselves tend to be revealed.

1 Water - The Diplomat

Water characters may appear rather shy, reserved and aloof at times and tend to keep their thoughts and emotions to themselves. However, sometimes the Water character can be expressed as the exact opposite, appearing quite sociable, vivacious and bubbly.

Water characters can be incredibly charming, charismatic ...

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2 Soil - The Nurturer

Soil characters tend to be stable, reliable and helpful people. They are often quite dedicated to their families as well as to their work, where they like to get to get stuck in and actively participate in activities.

Soil characters are usually tactful and diplomatic ...

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3 Thunder - The Pioneer

The 3 Tree character has the full force of spring in its nature, or the dawn. Thunder characters are forward-thinking and enjoy initiating new projects and discussing new concepts.

3 Tree characters tend to be very ...

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4 Wind - The Influencer

The Wind character is exceptionally adaptable. However, they do require quite a bit of support from others.

4 Tree is also called 'Wind' and ...

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5 Core Earth - The Hub

5 Earth characters are born with natural leadership potential and often have a bold and assertive nature. They can be demanding at times, to the point of aggressiveness.

5 is at the centre of the ...

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6 Heaven - The Leader

6 Metal characters tend to have a very direct, down-to-earth and uncompromising nature. They tend to have very clear opinions about what is fair and ethical and what is not and can be quite opinionated and inflexible in their views. They are certainly not afraid to express their opinion and can be quite sharp and blunt in the way they communicate at times.

The Heaven character as tremendous leadership potential ...

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7 Lake - The Advisor

7 Metal characters are generally very easy-going and adaptable. Many express themselves with great diplomacy and they often have a great capacity to listen to others and to make them feel understood and validated, thanks to their patient and compassionate nature.

Lake characters typically make great hosts, ...

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8 Mountain - The Pragmatist

8 Earth characters are by far the most private of all of the Energies. They value their own space and can be verbally very uncommunicative. Some 8 Mountain characters may find other channels for self expression, such as music, art or through their work.

The Mountain is a good description of ...

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9 Fire - The Communicator

Fire characters are some of the brightest and liveliest of all the nine characters.

They tend to wear their heart on ...

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Yearly Predictions

Our lives pass through nine-year cycles, with each year representing one of the nine Energies of the 9 Star Ki system.

Not only does each person have a 9 Star Ki profile, which is determined by their date of birth, but in addition, each of our lives passes through nine-year cycles. Each year represents one of the nine Energies of the 9 Star Ki system and influences our lives in powerful ways.

These nine-year cycles are seasonal in nature, with a spring, summer, autumn and winter period

Another way to imagine it is that our lives go through seasonal changes, just like the spring, summer, autumn, winter; however, it is a nine-year cycle, rather than a yearly one. During the "summer" part of the cycle, we are closest to the sun and feel warmer, more energised and extroverted. Conversely, during the "winter" part of the cycle we are more likely to feel withdrawn, cool and introspective.

There is a time to sow and a time to harvest. Understanding where we are in the cosmic cycles and moving with the energy, not against it, can be tremendously powerful

People who are in touch with Nature and her cycles understand the seasonal changes that occur throughout the year. They know that there is a time to sow and a time to harvest. There is a time for new growth, a time for celebration, a time for winding down and a time for deep rest. Understanding the energy of the year that we are in can help us to harmonise with the natural flow of energies, instead of trying to swim against the current. When we do this, life starts to become much smoother and we achieve the best possible results with the least amount of effort. It can also minimise disappointment and frustration.

This information can also be used to help us plan the timing of projects, moving house or changing jobs. Proper timing of our planned ventures can make an enormous difference to their outcome.

Each of us is born in a 5 Core Earth year, which is at the centre of the 9 Star Ki sytem.

The Nine Yearly Cycles



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Water



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Winter

Hibernation / Stillness

This is a time for hibernation, deep rest and reflection. A time for pondering what one wishes to create during the next 9 year cycle.

During this year, it is common to ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Soil


Late Winter

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Late Winter

Planning / Germination

This year represents the transition from winter to spring. There may be a sense of light at the end of the tunnel.

Socially and financially this is a time ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Thunder


Early Spring

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Early Spring

Sprouting / Rising Energy

This year represents early spring or dawn and therefore new growth, development as well as new opportunities. There is a sense of rising energy.

It is the time to put our ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Wind


Late Spring

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Late Spring

Blossoming / Steady Growth

This year represents mid morning or mid to late spring. It is a time of sustained growth, following on from the rapid burst of the previous year.

However, this is also potentially a changeable ...

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Core Earth

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Core Earth



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Centre

Consolidating / Ups and Downs

Everyone is born in a 5 year and returns to it at the age of nine, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, etc. This is the centre of the 9 Star Ki cycle and represents the beginning and end of a cycle. Anything started during a 5 year will have a great impact on the following 8 years and so should be considered carefully.

As the stars are positioned exactly as ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Heaven


Early Autumn

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Early Autumn

Ripening / Prosperity

This year represents early autumn or evening. It is where we begin to see the fruits of our labour; the reward of all the effort put in during the previous years.

This year is associated with the full ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Lake


Late Autumn

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Late Autumn

Harvest / Abundance and Celebration

This year represents late autumn or evening. It is the time to enjoy the harvest and to celebrate our achievements; a time to relax and be grateful for the abundance we have created for ourselves. It is also a time to reflect on the previous cycle.

This is perhaps the smoothest and most ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Mountain


Early Winter

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Early Winter

Revolution / Quiet before Storm

This year represents the transition from evening to night or autumn to winter. It is a time when Nature returns to stillness. We go indoors to shelter from the outside.

This is a time we tend to ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Fire



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Summer

Spotlight / Fame

This year represents the full force of summer or the midday sun. It brings illumination, heat and clarity.

This year is our time to shine. ...

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Monthly Predictions

Our lives also move through monthly cycles. The Energy associated with the month affects us on a more immediate and emotional level.

In addition to the yearly cycles that each our lives move through, there are also smaller, monthly cycles. The energy of the yearly cycle is always felt and is the overarching influence on the direction of our lives. However, the effect of the monthly cycle is more immediate and felt on an emotional level. For example, we could be in a 1 Water year, which can be a time when we feel withdrawn, contemplative and still, but the month Energy could be 3 Tree. The presence of Thunder / spring Energy in our chart during that month would likely be felt as a welcomed break from the heavier, more stagnant feeling of winter. It could be a great time to go on holiday or to get stuff done, which had been lingering.

Note that for those who identify as male, the months work backwards from 9 to 1. For those who identify as female, it is the inverse. This reversal of the cycle does not apply to the yearly cycles. This can often seem confusing on the surface, however it has to do with the subtle interplay of Yin and Yang energies and their influence over our lives. It is not necessary to fully understand the exact way in which these energies interact with our reality.

The Nine Monthly Cycles



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Water



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Winter

Hibernation / Stillness

During a Water month, we often feel quite quiet, cautious, introverted and even vulnerable at times.

We may also find it more challenging ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Soil


Late Winter

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Late Winter

Planning / Germination

During a Soil month, we often still feel the stillness and stagnation of winter, however there is a sense of light at the end of the tunnel and an urge to start planning and moving.

Socialising can be somewhat challenging during a ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Thunder


Early Spring

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Early Spring

Sprouting / Rising Energy

During a Tree month, we usually feel a surge of energy and vitality. We typically feel creative, enthusiastic and spontaneous with a deep sense of optimism and fun.

This is a great time to start ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Wind


Late Spring

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Late Spring

Blossoming / Steady Growth

During a Wind month, we feel the energy of spring, which bring us joy, enthusiasm and optimism.

It's important for us not to overdo ...

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Core Earth

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Core Earth



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Centre

Consolidating / Ups and Downs

Core Earth months are associated with the energy of adolescence, often making us feel like we are experiencing adolescence again. It is an unpredictable time and there may well be ups and downs and feelings of uncertainty.

There may well be many different opportunities ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Heaven


Early Autumn

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Early Autumn

Ripening / Prosperity

During a Heaven month, we often begin to feel more confident and clear, with a strong sense of purpose. Our will is typically stronger during this time and we have a natural sense of being right. We need to be careful not to become overbearing or inflexible.

It is also advisable to pay extra ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Lake


Late Autumn

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Late Autumn

Harvest / Abundance and Celebration

7 Metal is associated with the harvest and this is a month for us to relax and unwind, as well as to socialise and have fun.

We often feel more carefree and adventurous ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Mountain


Early Winter

9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Early Winter

Revolution / Quiet before Storm

During a Mountain month, we often have a sense of uncertainty and may feel the need to retreat into our cave. We are more withdrawn and uncommunicative than usual.

This can be a time of change ...

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9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Fire



9 Star Ki Astrology Free Personal Chart Calculator Relationships Yearly and Monthly Predictions Summer

Spotlight / Fame

During quieter years, such as 1, 2 and 8, a Fire month can be a much welcomed change, bringing much more vibrant energy and light.

During this month, we often feel more ...

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Personal Chart

The 9 Star Ki personal chart is comprised of three numbers, each from 1 to 9. For example: "3.1.7".

First Number - Fundamental Energy

The first number is determined by the year we were born and corresponds to our fundamental nature; the lens through which we view the world and the way we make sense of reality. It is also the Energy that holds the strongest influence as we reach adulthood, round the age of 18, which is 2 complete 9-year cycles. Up until the age of 18, whilst the primary number is still influencial, it is the second number (the emotional energy) which is the most significant influence..

Second Number - Emotional Energy / Inner Child

The second number is determined by the month in which we were born and corresponds to our deeper, more emotional nature or inner child. In adults, this is typically only revealed when we establish a closer connection with someone. It is also the Energy that is often expressed when we are emotional or stressed in some way. As mentioned above, it is also the predominant Energy of children and adolescents.

Third Number - Mirror Energy

The third number corresponds to the energy which is most visible on the outside. It is the first impression we often give to the world. It also has a greater influence on how we tend to act socially, especially when we are with people we don't know so well or have deeper bonds with.

The unique blend of all 3 numbers creates 81 distinct personalities

The unique blend of all three numbers creates 81 distinct profiles, spanning 9 years and influences our personality, our strengths and weaknesses, our emotions, the way we process information and make sense of the world around us. It also has a major influence on the way we interact with others (there is more information on this in the Five Elements section). None of the Energies or profiles are inherently superior or inferior to any other. Each Energy represents a unique expression of the divine and symbolises a specific stage in the cycle of light and dark; of birth and death.

9 Star Ki is uncannily accurate

Regardless of upbringing, culture or genetics, 9 Star Ki remains remarkably precise. It is natural to find some attributes associated with our Energy more flattering than others. In 9 Star Ki, it is understood that our strengths are inextricably linked to our vulnerabilities. Nobody can be and do all things. Our 9 Star Ki personal chart exerts a significant influence over our potential and the attributes that are most likely to be expressed both when we are in balance and when we are out of balance.

That being said, some people may feel their chart does not accurately portray them. This is especially true when some of their potential is blocked. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules and there can be hidden factors at play that are hard to predict.

9 Star Ki Relationships

9 Star Ki is an immensely useful tool for understanding the underlying and often misunderstood dynamics that drive our relationships. Have you ever wondered why certain individuals just seem to rub you up the wrong way, or conversely, why you just can't seem to get through to certain types of people under certain circumstances?

Many of us are aware that some relationships are naturally more harmonious and require less "effort" than others. However, understanding 9 Star Ki and the 5 transformations can be tremendously elucidating and help us not only to take blame out of the equation, but also to start to learn new tools to help us create more harmony in our lives.

By understanding how 9 Star Ki effects the ways in which people perceive the world and the interplay of energies and elements between us, we can learn to appreciate and grow from some of the more challenging relationships in our lives, rather than seeing them as an annoyance or inconvenience. Of course, this takes practice, but with 9 star ki, everything becomes a lot clearer and most people find that they quickly develop a new-found openness towards and acceptance of people towrards whom they previously felt more resistance.

The Five Transformations

Each of the 5 elements relates to the other elements in 3 distinct ways, called "transformations". Traditional Chinese medicine use these same transformations to help make medical diagnoses, as well as to prescribe appropriate treatments to bring the body back into balance.

In this instance, both Energies share the ...

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9 Star Ki & Sexuality

9 Star Ki can tell us some truly fascinating and also incredibly useful information about our sexuality and our relationships with others. In the About 9 Star Ki section we discuss the concept of the Great Principle of 'Yin and Yang'.

For millenia, society has tended to have ...

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