About 9 Star Ki Biorhythms

Biorhythms are biological rhythms of different durations that influence our energy levels and functioning in multiple ways.

There are many different biorhythms of different lengths, each one influencing a particular faculty. For example, there are intellectual, emotional, physical, spiritual and many other, more subtle biorhythms. 9 Star Ki also influences us cyclically, from short cycles, similar to biorhythms to longer, cosmic cycles. When you combine the information of biorhythms with 9 Star Ki cycles, you begin to get a very detailed picture about what is going on physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This can be a tremendous help when it comes to consciously creating and planning according to our energy levels.

As well as being able to get the most of our spikes in energy, in addition, the more we can attune ourselves to our biorhythmic cycles, the more we’ll become aware of when we need to take rest. This is true for both high and low functioning parts of our biorhythms. When our lives are fully synchronised with our biorhythms, we typically experience more consistent energy flow, rather than severe ups and downs. Failing to pay attention to these cycles can result in exhaustion, living below one’s potential, as well as putting stress on the immune system and overall health.

While biorhythm theories have been present since ancient cultures, including those that practiced natal astrology, biorhythm theory is attributed to Wilhelm Fliess, a 19th-century German physician, and colleague of psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. As written by Thomas Gale, Fliess’s theory is based on cycled periods – twenty-three days (physical/male), and twenty-eight days (emotional/female). The Intellectual Cycle is attributed to Alfred Teltscher, professor of engineering at the University of Innsbruck, who added the third cycle in the 1920s, after studying the academic performance of his students.

The Biorhythms


The physical cycle relates to coordination, physical energy, strength, and overall well-being. Twenty-three days in length, the cycle supports more awareness of times for optimum exertion and time for rest and recovery.


This 28-day cycle centers around creativity, awareness, and emotional sensitivity and can be helpful in managing depression or other mood disorders.


This 33-day cycle governs critical thinking, memory, communication, and analytical functioning. Tracking this cycle may assist with achieving goals, deadlines and solving problems that require logical and rational faculties..


The spiritual biorhythm is the longest cycle, at 53 days. During the high points, spiritual awareness is heightened and brings the potential for mystical breakthroughs.


The creative or "aesthetic" biorhythm can help boost creativity and the appreciation of the arts.

How to Read Biorhythms

Biorhythms are represented by a curve of waveform, which completes one oscillation over the period assigned to it. Turves correspond with highs and lows; those above the mid-sectional line would be optimum, or positive, biorhythmic times; those that fall below can indicate times to pull back, be more reflective, or access different energy flows.